Citizens Community Bank

Since its founding in Pocatello, Idaho, in 1997, Citizens Community Bank has been all about community and serving all. Whether taking in deposits or making loans to help businesses, one of the most important roles their bankers play is getting involved in the areas that they serve, whether through being on boards of non-profits, actively engaging in cleaning up their communities, or donating funds to continue serving meals in the homeless shelters. A long-standing commitment, the challenges of 2020 helped the bank really understand what giving back truly meant.
For decades, the bank has cultivated strong relationships within its communities – something demonstrated in the thousands of hours of volunteer work their employees donate each year, particularly on their annual Community Day of Service. In 2020, even with the pandemic, the bank still found a way to get out and do its annual day of service painting, planting trees, weeding yards, and cleaning up facilities. From Ammon and Rexburg to Idaho Falls and Pocatello, their employees gave back to their communities, painting fire hydrants and pulling weeds as they worked to support 14 projects and 11 organizations in 5 cities.
Citizens Community Bank will always be that bank that you can depend on to be there in financial need, but now more than ever, the bank truly understands what it means to be a community.